Book ShareBook Share is fork + pencil's program for sharing the gift of reading and quality children's literature across our family of schools. By participating in the program, host schools provide books for partner schools that are in need of more titles for their libraries and classrooms. Host schools receive their fundraising dollars, and the books are delivered to the school chosen as a partner.
Partner schools are generally Title 1 schools, which is the federal designation for schools that have over 40% of their students from low income families. fork + pencil works with each school to choose those books which will most benefit its children. This empowers educators and parents to choose the titles that are right for their community. fork + pencil also works with partner schools to bring in leading children's authors and illustrators to their community for readings, art classes, and similar programs. We hope this provides children not only a sense of the richness of reading, but also reflects their community with the books and authors that we work together. Find out how your school can join our program to bring access to the best in children's literature. Please email us at [email protected] to find out more. |